A series about dog barking, how to stop barking, why dogs bark and much more. One of the most problematic behaviors a dog does naturally is bark. We commonly hear dog owners complain that theirContinue reading
Category: Training Tips and How-To’s
Training tips and how to’s for dog training. This section covers everything from how to teach a dog to sit to tips on introducing your dog to other dogs and children.
Will work for…nail trim?
What if I told you your dog could jump for joy when you got the nail clippers out? Or sprint their fastest to their dog bed and lay down to wait for you to openContinue reading
Shy Dog Tips
Help for the Shy and Fearful Dog Shyness and timidity can develop as a young dog matures. Sometimes the root of the problem is lack of proper introduction to different people, animals, places and thingsContinue reading