Adolescent/Adult Basic Manners-
group training for adolescent and adult dogs 6 months and older.
Class prerequisite: a dog, some patience and a good sense of humor.
Classes are held @Woof! Orlando
Next Class Start Date:
Monday, April 1st @ 7:00pm
Learn the foundation behaviors essential to having a polite family dog. The emphasis in this class is on communication and teaching the dog what behaviors we want to substitute those we do not. We focus on the most common complaints dog owners have with adolescent and adult dogs.
Cost for this 6 week class is $200
These include: Jumping up, door crashing, pulling on leash, not coming when called and destructive behaviors. Dog and owners will also learn the basic obedience skills listed below.
- Sit
- Down
- Loose-leash walking
- Stop the Jumping/ Polite Greetings
- Stay and Wait
- Door Manners
- In Your Place (settle on a mat)
- Come/Recall
- Attention: Name Recognition and Look
- Leave-it/ Drop-it
Register for this class!
* Please check vaccine requirements for this class before registering!