Thank you for providing us this opportunity to share our knowledge of dog training and dog behavior with you. We are looking forward to working with you and your dog. The following policies are designed to ensure that all class participants have a productive, safe and fun training experience.
About Our Training Method
Dog training is about establishing a communication system between the dog and handler. In the past, the foundation of this communication was based on the avoidance of pain – i.e. leash corrections, choke chains, shock collars. etc. The emphasis was on what the dog did wrong. Much has changed in the past thirty years, thanks in large part to the whale and dolphin training at Sea World. By using the principles of operant and classical conditioning – psychological principles that underlay the behavior of all sentient being including humans – the focus has shifted to what the dog does right. By rewarding the behavior we like with food, toys, play, affection, exercise and anything else the dog loves, these desirable behaviors increase in frequency. Likewise by ignoring, managing and preventing the behaviors we don’t like, the undesirable behaviors decrease in frequency. Not only is this scientific approach extremely effective, it’s also much more fun for the dog and handler!
Our classes are limited to a maximum of six dog/handler teams. We are also available outside of class for extra help and equipment fittings.
What You Need To Bring to Each Class
- A hungry dog and a sense of humor.
- High value treats cut into pea-sized pieces (i.e. chicken, hot dogs, string cheese, grated cheese, meatballs, etc.)
- A flat buckle collars (no e-collars, prong or choke collars will be permitted in class).
- A 6 ft leash (we discourage the use of flexi-leashes in the class for safety reasons).
Leash Rule
Please keep your dog on leash at all times unless instructed otherwise.
Dog Etiquette
Not all dogs like to have another dog greet them while they’re on leash. Please do not allow your dog to greet another dog unless you’ve asked permission from the handler first. However, once inside the facility, we ask that you refrain from allowing your dog to visit other dogs unless instructed otherwise.
Dogs In Heat
In consideration of all dogs training at Every Dog Has Its Day, we do not allow dogs in heat in classes.
Poop Clean Up
Please by sure that your dog has ample opportunity to relieve himself before entering the building. Poop bags are available, in the viewing area of the training yard. Please dispose of poop bags in one of the containers on either side of the yard.
Aggressive Dogs
Our classes are designed for dogs that do not have serious aggression problems. If your dog has an aggression problem, please speak to us about your concerns prior to class so we can recommend the best training scenario for your dog. Group classes may not initially be the most productive situation for you and your dog. Private lessons are often the best place to implement a behavior modification program for many aggression issues.
We reserve the right to dismiss any dog and handler from class at any time.
If you notify us of cancellation 48 hour prior to the start of a session, we will happily refund 100% of the tuition. Cancellations made after 48 hours will result in the forfeit of your tuition unless it is the result of a medical situation.
We encourage you to let us know how we are doing! The class should be fun – for you and your dog. If there is anything we can do to help make your training experience more productive or enjoyable, please do not hesitate to tell us sooner rather than later.